Freeze Dried Garden Tomatoes

Freeze Dried Garden Tomatoes
Freeze Dried Garden Tomatoes

Saturday, August 28, 2010


When I heard about the massive egg recall and the recent meat recall, I knew something suspicious was being organized  for the purpose of the Corporate Government Monopolies gaining more power and control over OUR food supply.When trying to figure out what their next move would be, I thought that perhaps the government would enact more restrictive laws on farmers...such as possibly requiring that eggs be pasteurized. Most local small farmers are already struggling to survive and our corporate government knows that more restrictions require more equipment.....which will end up financially destroying the small farmer.

Many recent disastrous events have either been orchestrated by our corporate government and/or at the very least, these events or disasters are used to give further control to this entity. If the government really cared about improving the safety of our food supply they would be encouraging local small time food production. Then we would not need elaborate systems of restrictive laws, tracking, monitoring, and the systematic poisoning of our foods with pesticides, herbicides, pasteurization...etc. If we carefully evaluate the current system and do not get swept away by germ outbreak hysteria, we can see plainly what our corporate government is really up to.I cannot emphasize this saying enough....Whoever controls the food supply, controls the people.

The Food Safety Modernization Act makes it much easier to take away our food rights under the name of safety. It is not far fetched to see that in the near future it may be illegal to grow your own food. Saving seed from your own vegeatbles may become a criminal act. They want to track and label every item of food. How bizarre can things get before we all wake up and say...".No More!" What we need is more food diversification NOT more centralization. Further centralization of the food supply takes away our rights to know how and where our food is produced. We have no way of telling what our food has been grown in, whether it has been genetically modified, what has been sprayed on it....or what has been added to it. A centralized food system is destroying the planet.....AND our health. Why would anyone want more of that ....unless it was for profit and control. Please see the video below

To understand this subject better I would recommend The Vegetarian Myth by Lierre Keith

Food Safety Modernization Act S510

The video below expresses these concerns very well


  1. "The Food Safety Modernization Act makes it much easier to take away our food rights under the name of safety. It is not far fetched to see that in the near future it may be illegal to grow your own food. Saving seed from your own vegeatbles may become a criminal act."

    Get out yer tinfoil hats!

    George is so far out there.. his reporting is based on his having "read a summary of the bill"?? Thanks for the in-depth expert opinion, idiot.

    Not to mention that nothing in the bill has anything to do with saving seeds.

    This guy is so far off, he should pawn his suit jacket and get therapy.

    Any then he stumbles over his best opportunity to take on GMOs.. and goes right back to the profit model. Hey George, no one is blaming GMOs for ADHD, etc. because they are so ubiquitous in our food supply that they can't be studied. It's easy to get one kid who eats food dye and one who doesn't, but GMOs are all over.. Wake up, George. You're out of your league.

  2. I'm not sure what your main point is. You seem to have mixed up some of my comments with the speaker on the video.

    The main point I am trying to make is that our food supply is too centralized and there are more and more laws being enacted which are eliminating the small farmer and at the same time.... they are endangering the true safety of our food supply.

    These laws are not for the benefit of the public but for the benefit of our corporate run government. Leaving George out of it , I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on this subject. Where do you think we stand as far as our food freedom goes?

    For example...I find the current laws restrictng the right of farmers to sell fresh unpasteurized milk to whomever wants to buy it...very disturbing. It is actually illegal in most states to sell fresh unadulterated milk. Many people have to travel across state lines to buy their mooshine.

    Pasteurized, homgenized milk is what should not be allowed. The denatured protein, enzymes and fats in this highly processed product are contributing to allergies, digestive problems and possibly causing certain autoimmune problems. Whole fresh milk can often be tolerated by those who cannot tolerate the processed product.(see the video in the sidebar about raw milk).In fact, before pasteurization , whole unprocessed milk was used as a healing food.
