Here are Connie's symptoms
Mood Swings
Temper tantrums
Aching Eye sockets
Crying Spells
Ravenous hunger
Drowsiness Severe PMS
Overwhelming Fatique OR being wired Unneccessary worrying
Insomnia or sleeping difficulties Feel best after 7 PM
Waking Up Exhausted Digestive problems
Craving for sweets Muscle pains
Sleeping too much Joint pains
Headaches Cold hands and feet
Difficulty concentrating Internal trembling
Mental confusion Indecisiveness
Restlessness Nervousness
Anxiety Sensitivity to Light and Noise
Depression Peculiar breath/perspiration odor
Irritability Lack of coordination
Heart Palpitations Suicidal thoughts
Dizziness and vertigo Anorexia or bulemia
Forgetfulness Muscular twitching or cramps
Fainting Antisocial behavior
Light headedness Itching or crawling sensations
Nightmares Sighing and yawning
The shakes when hungry
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